My skin routine

Welcome back dear readers , happy to be in my bed and just relax after a full week . After been sick for almost 2 weeks I'm finally better and I thought it was time for a detox for my body & mind ; that means lots of fruits , salads and nothing fried or too sweet  // wish me luck ! 
I'm on my 3rd day and i'm feeling Fan-tas-tic ! & next week i'll include swimming classes , that i missed so much ( happy kid *smile*) .

I'll make a special post about the results in the future , till then you can #follow me day by day on instagram .

So besides the food and exercises I also take care of what i pun on my body also.

This is what i use for cleaning my skin & eyes , love how easy all my make up wipes off my face with the new Micellar Cleansing Water from +Garnier Skin Care  . For my eyes i use this 2 guys that makes magic and did i tell you that they are 100 % bio ? How great is that , for more info of this two you can read here .

I had a pleasent surprise after using them and guess what they are still my fave . The first is a face scrub that i use twice a week and the second is a exfoliating mask with caviar , hmm it even sounds yummy ! 

Say hello to my pinkish brush , i use it to apply all my masks .
It makes all more easy .  

If you're looking for an extra kick , you must try this mask for your neck & chest , it's a great way to relax and also it's nice to take care of an area most of us don't even bother to look after . 

After i use masks i like to clean my face with this Micellar water , is a more gentle lotion . 

I use them when my skin needs a little help , they work great together , you can find them at +Sephora . 

Every time i enter a drug store i always end up buying something new , most of them i don't need or aren't that great but sometimes i end up with some great stuff  . I found a great and easy way to get rid of those annoying black spots by using Strips !  If you don't believe me then try them .

This is my crush for the moment , it leaves my eye area soft .

Well after almost 3 months of use i have to say i finally found my It cream for my skin type . You can  find more about it here . And of course , it's 100 % bio , perfect ! 

Have a great Sunday loves , we're off for some coffee ! Kisses 


  1. Great post, I really want to try out the Garnier Cleansing Water!



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