
One month from today i'll be married with my best friend & one year older haha ! Yes September is my favorite month | our wedding and my birthday . Well this year i'll be celebrating it on my honeymoon . 

Till then i must survive August ! When i'm not working i'm working haha ,we're taking dancing courses  & running from place to place so everything will be just the way we want on the Big day ! & also we've moved together in our place ; it feels so good to write from our living-room  , so we have plenty to do here also ! 

2 weeks ago we had our short getaway to Timisoara where we had our #engagement photo session , that  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE !  
With over 600 photos it was impossible to chose just a few but here are my favorites . Hope you like it!

p.s a  huuuugee thank you to the incredible people behind these photos , 3 people full of life & inspiration ! Can't wait to see you again ! 

Check their page & web for some killer photos & did I say they are architects also ? Some cool art just a click away ! 

Kisses R, 


  1. Foarte frumoase pozele alese!! Va doresc o viata lunga si frumoasa impreuna💑
    Parca-mi aduc aminte cum era cand ne mutam in casa noastra 💟💟
    Urmeaza sa traiti multe alte clipe si momente minunate impreuna, sanatate si fericire va doresc!!

    1. Multumesc frumos draga mea ❤ Abia astept 😀 Nastere usoara iti doresc kisses 👪

  2. Foarte frumoase pozele! Felicitari voua, fericire si bucurii in fiecare zi din viata voastra in doi! Si eu urmeaza sa ma casatoresc in octombrie, dupa tine, asa ca voi urmari cu drag ce mai postezi despre pregatirile voastre. Te pup :-*

    1. Multumesc frumos la fel iti doresc si eu si casa de piatra !👰

  3. Felicitari, casa de piatra si numai bine! Pozele au iesit intr-adevar minunate ;)


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