My week through photos

“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment 

that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” 

You may have notice that I have changed my blog cover and name , from now on it is gonna be , I wanted this for some time now and I finally did it .Hope you like it !

1.-2. Started eating healthy home made food , also making smoothies , my favorite are with pineapple and bananas 3.-4. New week at the gym , making my body strong and healthy 

1.-2. Valentines night with baby B. enjoying a nice evening together 3.-4. Having fun while strolling in the city on a lovely and sunny day .   

1. My tattoo is featuring in  No cigar Magazine , they made me a very happy girl , check their website for more beautiful tattoos 2. Selfie before going out 3. Silver on my wrist 4. My outfit on a rainy day.

My sweet angel , day and night fun with her.

1. Loving my bomber jacket 2. Matching day with my baby , red for Love 3. My Valentines gift from him , just love the colors on them 4. Quality time with friends.

1.My beauty care routine , fell in love with +Avon  caviar face mask , I'll make a review this week about it  2. My everyday essentials 3. Spring is coming , love the vibrant colors on this tulips 4. New skull bracelet .

1. My outfit for a day in the city , more pictures here 2. Coffee with love 3. Our view from the window , amazing waking up to that 4. His corner .

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their 

clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you 

photograph their souls!” 

― Ted Grant

Have a nice day loves !

Kisses R.


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