My Pandora Story

My Pandora story started 2 years ago on my weeding day . My husband gave me a little present on our weeding day . A white leather box . That's how my story begun . 

That was the only jewelry that i wore that day , well except for my engagement and weeding ring . 

Since then my bracelet gain a few ' friends ' , 5 to be exactly . Each with a story . 

We wed on the 13th of September , so for my birthday i've received my 1st charm The Bride & Groom . A reminder of our special day . 

For our 1 year wedding anniversary i've received The tree of life - family  . 

The most loved one is the Baby stroller . It was and still is my most happy moment  . Our first baby . 

I've received this 1 day after giving birth to the most perfect and amazing baby girl . The girl charm . My precious little girl .

This year my birthday was a special one . 1st year as a mom . The Mom charm is beyond beautiful  especially for what it stands for . 

I love all my charms and i love their story . I can't wait to hang more stories and memories on it . But i'm not in a hurry , i like to collect meaningful ones . Lifetime ones . 

This is my pandora story

to be continue 


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