1st Month

‘ll never forget the first day that your Dad went back to work after you were born, and I had no idea what I was doing and I had no idea what being a mother truly meant. My, how quickly things have changed.

As a woman, there is one more amazing thing I need to thank you for. Thank you for motivating me make the life changes I need to make so I am more comfortable in my skin. As a girl, I know that you will learn how to love yourself by watching me and sensing how much I love myself. I am so committed to helping you become a confident young lady. I will not pass any of my body issues on to you, because I am working through them now. Thank you for being such a tiny, but powerful, force and for reminding me that taking care of myself and having a positive image of myself is a must. I deserve it, and you certainly deserve it too.

 You made me complete, our sweet baby girl – our angel baby. And as you learned, I learned.
  • You opened your eyes for the first time and stared at me, and I learned what unconditional love meant. I had never seen anyone or anything more beautiful.
  • You learned to nurse, and I quickly learned everything there is to know about milk supply, nursing positions, latching and pumping.
  • You learned to scream and I learned that you were a girl who knew what she wanted.

Happy 1st  month birthday, sweetheart

Mommy .


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