How to put a baby to sleep
the sleep issue
The first week was super easy ,she was sleeping for 5-6 hours straight and wake up just once in the night.Well , she still wakes up once in the night but in the day those long hours turn in 1.5-2 hours per nap and sometimes a big gap between them .So to help my baby sleep faster ( and me also ) i found out some tricks to help me during the day .
Play White Noise Sounds
And so we did ! Found some great apps and my life just became easier , well for now . She's just a month old ,so i'm curious to see how long will this trick last .
My favorite is the Instant Baby Sleep , is so easy to use and our favorites are the sound of the car and vacuum cleaner. And also you can choose how long you want to play them , ours are on most of the day :)
Relax Melodies are also great , it helps me go to sleep faster also . the sound of the rain is just great !
Slumbertime , is nice but i think is for much older kids , we'll try this in a month or so to see if she likes it then .
And the result is priceless
One happy sleeping baby .
_________________________________________________________________________________So any tricks up your sleeves mamas ? Let me know !
da. un sistem de purtare ergonomic...100% somn ��