Winter love
Baby it's cold outside! I honestly feel like Christmas is right around the corner, since it didn't snow during the holidays and now the all town is wrapped in a white snow blanket.
We attended a friends birthday party on sunday and it was the perfect occasion to wear my new sweet blouse. I love the quote on it and the silk fabric , not so suitable for this cold weather but my cozy red coat kept me warm .
I love how the red from my coat stands up in this white landscape , enjoy the photos loves !
I was wearing:
Stadivarius red coat
Pull&Bear silk blouse and jeans
Local Store brown boots
H&M bag
I leave you with this song that's on repeat for days :) . Have a wonderful week loves .
Kisses R.
What a wonderful coat also, the tee it's very glam! love them!
Thank you sweety , the color was the first thing that made me buy the coat <3